Thursday, June 13, 2013

Upchurch-Leslie Reunion 2012

The Upchurch-Leslie Reunion was held in May of 2012. 

We are a very blessed family.  We come from strong, deep, Christian roots.  My grandparents instilled more into me than I can say.  I will never forget and will always cherish the bond we have in this family.  I am proud to say my aunts, uncles, and cousins, are not just family but some are my best friends.  This is not something every family gets to experience.  I am grateful for this family.  We must continue to get together as a whole.  This reunion was precious to me. 

 We had the best time and got to see relatives we haven't seen in years. 
Aunt Amy felt good and enjoyed the day.

 Stacy, Dana, Amy, David, & Theo
 While all the adults were visiting inside,
 Andrew & Amy had all the kids into a fun crazy game in the hallway.
 Kait & Amy.  This is one of my favorite pictures.  Kait found an angel necklace and bought one for her and Aunt Amy to wear.  Kait still wears hers.  I'm so glad Aunt Amy was such a big part of my kids lives.
Christy, Morgan (Kinley), & Brooke
Andrew racing Jesse on the go cart track.
             They loved the Orr Family Farm. I don't know how many times they rode around this track.
Almost all the girl cousins.  Fun times!

 The Harman Family
Paul, Zoe, Stephanie, & Ariel
(Cierra didn't get to make it that day)
Have I mentioned how much I love this little guy.  Jayse (my nephew) never ceases to amaze me.
Jill came and painted faces.  It was a huge hit.  I am very jealous of her talent.
Papa and the lil boys. 
Andrew played on the jumping pillows with the kids for hours.  I really wish the Redmonds they lived closer.
 Aunt Phyl, Aunt Amy, Uncle Steve, & my mom (Dana).  I hope my kids will be as close as they are when they are grown. 
 Stephanie, Uncle Steve, & Aunt Darla
 Zipline, did someone say zipline!  Heck ya I am in.
 The Redmonds (Zach, Andrew, & Amy) with our kids.  I love the time we got to spend with them.
Sheila and Bruce came from California!  It was so good to see them and get to spend the much needed time with them.  I can't believe this is the only picture I could find.  Surely, I took more. Sheila and I shared a much needed personal item that night.  I'm not sure we will forget that one!  While they were here they got to do some sight seeing and visit with a lot of the family.  They even got to go to the hospital and see Miss Kellen after she was born.  We had 2 new additions to the family this weekend. We are really growing. Bruce & Sheila were able to come to Ponca for a few days while they were here.   We really enjoyed the visit.  I hope to see them again in the not to far future.

You don't choose your family. 
They are God's gift to you,
as you are to them.
                                    - Desmond Tutu

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