Friday, June 14, 2013

Buzz on over for Cooper's 6th Birthday Party

Cooper 6th  Buzzing Birthday Party

Cooper had his 6th birthday party at the park with a Bug theme.

Cooper's invitations to his Bug Birthday Party were in glass jars.

I made dirt cupcakes with bugs and grass liners and Aunt Brooke made an awesome grasshopper cake.
It all looked great!

 There were bugs everywhere.
 The kids each got a bug box full of live lady bugs.
 I ordered 8,000 live lady bugs for the birthday party.  It was an experience.  No one warned me that when you opened the bag they would swarm.  If I would have been videoed someone could have made some money.  I had to call for backup we had ladybugs everywhere for days.  I'm not real fond of them anymore. The kids thought they were great.  I guess that is all that matters.
Bug Tattoos were a huge hit.
 Jesse was very proud of his bug tattoo and his bug bracelet.
The birthday boy was so proud.
 Cole & Sean had fun goofing off.
Papa Hughes & I seem to always have on different colors.  I am hoping to convert him one day.
 Oops!  Was I supposed to be putting the tattoos on the kids?
I had a ton of games planned.  All they wanted to do was play on the merry-go-round.
  At least they had fun!

Papa Hughes & Jesse
"You mean I got a fish tank for real fish?" Thank you Nana Hughes

The Birthday Boy!  Happy 6th Birthday Cooper
Cole & Coop

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