Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Things were Loose in Dallas

In July of 2012, we took our summer vacation.  Each year I make shirts for our trip.  I do this for several reasons, the first being that if we are all wearing one color it is much easier to keep track of everyone.  The shirts are also fun for the kids.  The first year we made shirts, Rob thought I was crazy.  I am sure he thinks that a lot and I know most of the time he is probably right.  On the third day of the trip the kids just wore their normal clothes.  He said they needed the shirts everyday.  Ha-ha I scored on that one!  This year we were the "things."  We had Thing 1, Thing 2, Thing 3, Thing 4, Thing 5, Thing 6, and Thing Mom.  Dad didn't want a shirt.  Everyone stopped him and told him he needed a shirt.

We had a great trip.  We went to Medieval Times and ate with our hands. We dragon soup, dragon droppings, dragon toes, and of course dragon spit to drink.  It was so funny the kids kept checking with me to see if it was really ok to eat with their hands.  They loved the food and the show.

The older boys are all Boy Scouts and the younger ones will be in Cub Scouts this year.  Rob took Michael, Cole, & Sean to the National Boy Scouting Museum.  The rest of us went shopping of course.

Our vacation was fun packed with many other activities.  We found our first "bug" geo-caching.  I have to say I was probably more excited than anyone over the bug.

We swam and played basketball at our hotel.

We always love going to Galleria Mall.  This year a church group on a scavenger hunt stopped us and asked the kids to do the YMCA.
Of course they love Ice Skating!

Even ate at Rainforest Cafe.

The Dallas Aquarium & Zoo was amazing!  We can't wait to go there again.

We had a great Thing Vacation!
 us to make the YMCA out of our hands.  It was a fun day.

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