Sunday, June 16, 2013

An Unbelievable Father

It takes a very special person to take someone else's children and love them as their own.  There are days I look at this man in pure awe.  He is an unbelievable dad to all six of our children.  If you walked in the door of our home it would be very hard to tell (besides the two that look just like him) whose children are biologically whose.  We are one family.  We do not have step anything in our home.  We are a whole and everyone is an equal.

One of the first things I fell in love with was his love for his children and how well he was doing raising the boys on his own.  He created a "home" for them and made sure they knew how much they were loved.
I love his passion for things. 
 (Even if it is 115 degrees outside.)
I love that he never complains about projects that I know he doesn't want to do.

I love how involved he gets in school projects, scout projects, and family projects.

I love that he things being active in the kids school life is important and he never complains about the numerous parties he has to help with or field trips he has to go on.
Rob & his Mini's.

I love that he is always up for a good time and that we can do just about anything together and have fun.
I love how he can turn anything into a game.

I love how he sacrifices all his days off (with little or no sleep) to coach or watch all the kids games.

It takes someone special to put up with my crazy ideas, projects, and family trips.
I love that he thinks making memories with our children is as important as I do.
 (Even if there are sometimes I catch an eye roll or two.)

I love how we enjoy so many of the same things.

Rob & Michael are sporting their matching shirts. 
 I must have liked this shirt because this was not planned.

This is one of my very favorite pictures.

I love how much of a kid he is.  Even if I think I have a 7th kid sometimes.

I love how he loves our nieces and nephews and is always so patient US all.

 I love how he loves my family.  He and my dad are always up to a good time.
Our love how our families do
Michael, Cole, Rob & Jesse

We are a blessed family to have this man as the leader of our home, a father, and a husband.  He is the most selfless man I know.  I appreciate him everyday not just on Father's Day!

Thank you for ALWAYS being there for us! Happy Father's Day!

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