Saturday, September 17, 2011

Kait Needs Bubble Wrap!

Kait has been busy sporting different casts.  In April, Kait had another bicycle wreak on her way to school.  This is not unusual for Kait.  She seems to be our accident prone child.  You would think it would be on of the boys but Kait likes that title for herself.   Needless to say we ended up at Urgent Care only to find out it was broke.  They put it in a temporary cast until the swelling would go down and we could get into a specialist.

Nana Hughes adding her autograph to the cast.

After a month or so of wearing the cast Kait fell again.  She re-injured her arm.  Back to the Orthopedic Surgeon we go.  Thankfully after they re-x-rayed her arm they decided that it wasn't bad enough to have re-set. It hurt for a while. They told her she had to be very careful not to hurt it again.  Ugh this mama was nervous.  That's VERY hard for Kait!

The best part of a cast is having everyone sign it.  She ran out of room.
Finally getting the cast off!
Kait got her cast off a few days before school was out!  Just in time for summer.  She made it all summer without any other major instances.  At least instances that required cast.  She was at Worlds of Fun with her Dad in July and was getting off of a ride and her foot fell in between a ride.  Needless to say they had to leave after visiting the nurses station.

In August, Kait was running up the stairs and jammed her toe.  She said her 4th toe had crossed over the pinkie toe. It looked gross so off to Urgent Care we go.  This was her 6th x-ray this year!  Crazy! Kait broke her toe and needed to be in a boot for the next 4-6 weeks.  Of course she did this two days after we signed her up and paid for this season of soccer.  Kait's going to have to cheer for her brothers this season .  No soccer for her.  

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