Saturday, September 17, 2011

Kiddie Amusement Park

The Kiddie Amusement Park in Bartlesville has been one our favorites since Cole was about 1 1/2.  It is a great family night.  We still try to go one or two times a summer.  The rides are all a quarter and the kids love them. My older kids still go and have fun.
 In July the kids and I took off for Tulsa.  We had a big day planned that turned out nothing like we thought.  We had planned a tour of Blue Bell Ice Cream Creamery.  I was really disappointed to get a call on the way there and find out they couldn't fit us into their schedule that day.  We almost turned around and came home; instead the kids said they wanted to go to the mall.  First let me tell you that our kids are sheltered a little too much -The boys had never been to a mall until about a year ago.  We went and spent the whole day at the mall.  We had a blast!  Many trips up and down the escalator I must add.

Our original plan was to go to Bartlesville after the tour and see my nieces and nephew and go to the Kiddie Amusement Park.  Kaits friend Courtney also moved to Bartlesville last year so she was going to go with us.  We all went and had a blast!

The kids are all about VW Bugs. They love to slug me and keep track of who is winning.  Some days I cry mercy and beg to them to stop.  Hey you try having six of them slug you in the your right arm while your driving.  I have bruises.  LOL  I must say though that I catch a lot of them before they do.  They thought the slug bug at the park was cool and told me to take a picture.
Jess & Coop riding the cages

Courtney (Kaits Friend), Taryn (my niece), & Kait

Kait & Courtney - Best Friends

I love this picture. I have one of them riding it when they were two. The still love it!
A great day!  I am sure we will have to go again next summer.  I was really disappointed that I didn't get to take my nephew Jayse this summer. It is a must next summer.  I know he will love it as much as our kids do.

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