Friday, September 16, 2011

The County Fair - A first for our family

Wednesday we ventured out to the Kay County Fair in Blackwell with my parents.  The kids were so excited!  We don't usually go many places on school nights and somehow we have been out two nights his week.  Cooper said he couldn't  believe how much fun things we were doing!.

The little boys were very fasinated with the "real" animals.  They got to pet a few and see the goats get judged.  They were sure they could do it and wanted in on the "competition".

The older kids loved the carnival!  Cole, Kait, Coop, and I are big riders.  Rob, Mike, Sean, & Jess like the arcade.  Papa took turns riding with Cole & Kait.  I think he may be the biggest kid of all. 

Jess and Coop wanted to ride the octopus. I was a little worried it was too much for them.  As you can see in the picture Jess was a little concerned.  I will just put it this way.  Cooper wanted to ride it again and again.  Jesse will NEVER ride anything like that again.

Jess kept telling me he wanted to ride the "steering wheel".  Well we rode the Farris Wheel after our not so great experience of the octopus and he liked it!

The older kids all got stuffed animals and saw many of their friends.  Next year we are hoping to enter a few of the kids artwork and craftwork in the fair.  We had a blast and I am sure we will go again next year!

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