Friday, September 16, 2011

Watch out Frontier City here we come!

We were very excited when Aunt Brooke and Uncle Jayson called and had tickets for us to go to Frontier City!  What a treat! 

Jayse, my nephew is almost 2, he is so much fun right now and completely entertained by all of our kids.  He knows all of them by name and loves to call for them when I do.

The kids had a blast we had a full day for sure.  One of the rides we all rode was the River Rapids.  Everyone was doing great having fun and then I saw the cave coming up with the waterfall.  Just as I was trying to figure out how I was going to avoid this and not get wet I was shot with a water gun or two or three!  When I looked up to see who or what had happened I see Jayson laughing so hard.  Just a warning paybacks are not nice so get ready.  I was still wet when I got home that night.
Drenched from riding the River Rapids

Before we left the park Cole and I saw the Geronimo Ride.  It was a lot like flying.  You are tied together and winched up in the air.  I am not sure how high but it was VERY high.  I am not scared of heights but I must say we were getting a little too high with nothing to hang on to.  After you get to the top you have to pull the release and it drops you!  Oh my!   Poor Cole his arm is probably still sore from me squeezing it.  He says his ears still hurt from me screaming.  It is something we will never forget and would do again!

We ended the day or should I say night at IHOP.  Another family favorite!  A great day!  Thanks Uncle Jayson and Aunt Brooke.

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