Friday, September 16, 2011

The newest member of our family - Sophie!

Sept 2010
I always said I thought the kids needed a dog but we didn't need anything else to take care of.  One day I mentioned it to Rob that I thought it would be a good Christmas present.  Rob is NOT a dog lover and is allergic.  So even mentioning this was somewhat funny.  He said okay lets get one.  A few days later he said are we getting one or not.  I was thinking Christmas.  He was actually excited. So we searched and found a dog that doesn't have dander and is good with kids.  And we feel that we have the best dog around!

When we got Sophie my in-laws got her sister Gidget. They love seeing each other and play hard when they do.
love at first sight
Coop loves Sophie and plays with her ALL the time.  She is so good with him.  He carries her around and she has never even growled at him.

Are you looking for me?

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